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Have you ever wondered about why on the falg of Wales, there is the dragon?

If not, I will explain to you that. Dragon lived in nest by on the source of water for the ,,Silene" city. If natives wanted to take some water, they had to take the dragon away from there. They were doing it by giving him a sheep, but somtimes they didn't have a sheep, so they were giving a girl as a sacrifice. They were choosing her in a draw. One day they drew a princess, the king was devastated. There Saint George appeared. He stood face to face with that monster. He fought it, but when the dragon attacted he protected himself with the cross. Eventually he beat it and rescued king's daughter. In thank St. George habitants turned into Christianity. This story is a reason why the dragon is on the flag.

Przygotowała Antonina Piątek, klasa 8a (rok szkolny 2021/2022)
Ilustracja: CC0 Public Domain
Artykuł ukazał się w gazecie szkolnej SĘK nr 3/2021 (jesień-zima 2021/2022)